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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Back from Twilight!

Yes, I just got back from my sense...and if you have a not so busy may you want to read the entire the post!

Time for my Busy Monday, a post full of mixed nuts!

So if you are here for a specific theme, you can either scroll down or click each --

Monday Movies...

FUN Monday...

Music Monday...

It has been a busy Monday for me...I was without internet during the weekend...and Mom got sick...and I was hustling and bustling making the house ready for the holidays! Ha!

Here is a run down of my crazy, chaotic, lovely life over the past days...

Saturday morning, we were busy preparing food for the children, yup, yup, my outreach is weekly! Off we go in the afternoon, it was full of fun and I am going to make a separate blog just to account my activities with the children and will make a post to link it up here.

Monday Movies

Saturday evening, IT Guy and I watched Twilight!

Oh my...I don't care if people would say it's a chic movie...I love it! SJI (for those who are new here, the is an ex turned into a best friend!) and Red has been telling me to watch it, and each of them has their own reason. Red said, I should watch it because of my fascination with Vampires...and he said, the romantic in me and the ever hopeful positive attitude of mine will like the twist in the story...while SJI said, you should watch it and pay close attention to Bella (the leading lady) so I get to see myself how I am when I get stupid...stubborn...and blinded. Nice! LOL

So we planned to get the LFS (last full show)...there were two theaters opened for it...and man, is the line long! Regardless, we're still lucky to get nice seats...

Now, let's go to the movie, oh boy, it was NICE! A feel good movie it is! And I'm inlove with it!

Bella has to moved from Phoenix to Washington State and be with her Dad. She went to Forks High to study and there she met the love of her life Edward Collins! Quite charming...though I have to admit, I did not find him that physically attractive...but hey, personality is there, I love him within 2 minutes! LOL

It took one accident that let Edward reveal his special gift curse power to Bella by saving her from an accident which could have killed her! Then the story take so many turns from there...and comes Bella's discovery about Edward's real identity....making her confront him...he did not deny...he was honest...and wanted her to stay away from him...but well (as what SJI said...) she was love...and was not fearful in away. Her only fear was losing him, heck, he is immortal! Three things were sure then, (1) that Edward Collins is a vampire; (2) he can kill and harm people and (3) I am irrevocably and unconditionally in love with him...I mean SHE is! LOL

Two people, one human, the other a in love...and through the test of time (ha, not much, just some chasing and fight...and bites...and few killings! ) once again, sending us the message that love conquers all! Oh my...I feel like I'm in my teens again...well, I always am! ROFL

My opinion---I kinda like the concept of vampires in the movie...they don't die if they get exposed to sunlight...and that it shows that even if one is built to kill, it is still a choice on what life to live...and how to live it! And that immortality is not really a good thing...and more than anything, let me ask you this;

If you can live forever, what will you live for?

Somebody told me he's going to live his life to be with me...can somebody turn us into vampires now!!!

FUN Monday

Our host for this week, is the lovely, Ari_1965. She set the following as this week's theme --

Tell us about your all-time worst Neighbors from Hell. You know, the family of Irish clog dancers who once lived in the flat/apartment above you? Mrs. Next door and her banshee-like multiple orgasms? Mr. and Mrs. Hard-of-Hearing with their television on full blast? The guys across the street who set off 4th of July fireworks starting in March and didn't stop until the first real snowfall?

I thought this is quite easy...'til I get to remember that, well, for the most part of my life, our house has been like...ummm...separated from the neighbors through high walls! Though that does not stop me from interacting with them, it certainly limits my exposure...and that makes me only remember the nice parties in the neighborhood.

BUT, when we left the big old house, we get to live temporarily in a nasty not so nice community! Oh my, did they block our way so many freaking times! Yes, they park the motorbikes and put whatever they can in the drive way! And we have to effing call the police/traffic officers almost everyday. We finally moved out and gave up when one morning on the day home one man blocked his motorbike and confront us showing a gun tucked at his waist...something! Pfffft....I said, excuse me Sir, I think the gun is to pointed at your target, which in this context is ME, and make sure it is loaded...because the moment I take out mine, I'm telling you, my talent skill in guns will not make you outrun my bullet! That was me, my bigh mouth and my temper! The IT Guy, in panic mode, stepped down, and almost punched the guy... Fastforward, we moved to a way better neighborhood...and after 10 months...SJI and Red saw that moron, and okay...let me confess, we gave him a nice little "party". Think whatever you want...but the guy is alive...only, he will never look me the same way again...ever!

So there...happy late Fun Monday people!!!

I beg for Mo's indulgence this week for skipping Manic Monday, I will make it up Mo, promise!

So, let's go straight to Music is ACDC with their Back in Black...why this one...just because! LOL

Please visit the following wonderful people for more!!!

Ari_1965 for FUN Monday...

SMID for MUSIC Monday....

I wish everyone a nice week!


Ari_1965 said...

Obstructing a driveway is definitely not cool.

jennifer said...




I just got back from seeing Twilight. For someone who already had a strong fascination with vampires, the movie was amazing in such a bad way. I'm so wanting to get bitten, now more than ever.


Ingrid said...

You are a specialist in compiled memes, lol ! It would be unthinkable to walk around with a gun in this country only a waterpistol, lol !

broca's area said...

u sound too romantic:P...